
St Peters Grammar and St Peters Heart - School Assistant Application

Fields marked with * are required

Applicants are asked to provide the following information to support their application:

  • a cover letter / email
  • information addressing the selection criteria and duties description
  • resume / CV
  • at least three references or referee contact details, one of whom should be the Senior Minister of the Christian community you serve within who can support your application.
  • a statement of personal Christian faith and character including Church involvement.
  • current Photo ID
If you are applying for an advertised position, where did you see the advertisement?







Note: Certified copies to be provided if successful for interview. 


Course Level Attained: (Degree/Diploma/Certificate)
Course Level Attained: (Degree/Diploma/Certificate)


Please list significant Professional Development and Training courses undertaken in the past five (5) years.


Positions in schools are child related positions. Should you be the successful applicant, you will not be employed until you have provided your “Working with Children Check” clearance number and clearance date for verification by Campbelltown Anglican Schools.


Please provide the contact details of at least three (3) referees, including current Minister of religion and current employer.

1. Referee Contact Details

2. Referee Contact Details

3. Referee Contact Details


1- Have you ever been (or are you currently) subject to disciplinary proceedings in relation to your employment in Australia or any other Country?

2- Have you ever been convicted of an offence carrying a penalty or imprisonment?

3- Do you have a illness/ injury/ health problem that may render you unable to carry out the requirements of the desired position?

4- Do you have any objections to Campbelltown Anglican Schools contacting past or current employers or referees to provide information relevant to my employment and this application?

If you have answered “yes” to any of the above questions, please provide details below:

If you have answered “yes” to any of the above questions, please provide details


I certify that the information provided by me in this Application Form is true and correct.  I understand that any deliberate inaccuracies or omissions may result in non-acceptance of this application and/or the termination of any employment that may be offered.

Further, I acknowledge that a criminal record may affect the decision of Campbelltown Anglican Schools to employ me. I also understand that any offer of employment is subject to a Working with Children Check clearance.



1. In applying for this position you will be providing Campbelltown Anglican Schools with personal information. We can be contacted by email to peopleandculture@casc.nsw.edu.au or by phone on (02) 4628 0110.

2. If you provide us with your personal information, we will collect the information in order to assess your application.

3. You agree that we may store this information for six (6) months.

4. You may seek access to your personal information that we hold about you if you are unsuccessful for the position. However, there will be occasions when access is denied. Such occasions would include where access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others.

5. We will not disclose this information to a third party without your consent.

6. We are required to conduct a criminal record check, collect information, regarding whether you are or have been the subject of an AVO and certain criminal offences, under Child Protection Law.

7. If you provide us with the personal information of others, we encourage you to inform them that you are disclosing that information to Campbelltown Anglican Schools and why, that they can access that information if they wish, that Campbelltown Anglican Schools does not usually disclose the information to third parties and that we may store their information for six (6) months.


Listed below are documents that must be uploaded as part of your application.

If you are invited to attend an interview, you will be required to bring 100 point identification and original qualifications.

Please upload a copy of all documents below for Campbelltown Anglican School's records.

Curriculum Vitae
Covering Letter


Campbelltown Anglican School's (CAS) is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act. In relation to health records, the School is also bound by the NSW Health Privacy Principles which are contained in the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (Health Records Act).

Collection of Personal Information

In relation to personal information of job applicants and contractors, CAS' primary purpose of collection is to assess and (if successful) to engage the applicant or contractor, as the case may be. The purposes for which CAS uses personal information of job applicants and contractors include:

    • in administering the individual's employment or contract, as the case may be
    • for insurance purposes
    • seeking donations and marketing for the School
    • seeking donations and marketing for the School
    • to satisfy the School's legal obligations, for example, in relation to child protection legislation


Use of Personal Information

This information is used to fill open positions within CAS as the need arises. Information provided to CAS in respect to an application for employment will be kept by CAS for a period of one year, after which the documentation of unsuccessful applicants will be properly disposed of. Applications will not be returned to the applicant, unless specifically requested in writing.

Disclosure of Information

From time to time, it may be necessary to disclose personal information in the course of the employment process. An example of this may be contacting the referees supplied to provide work related references.

Exception in relation to Employee Records

Under the Privacy Act and Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW), the Australian Privacy Principles and Health Privacy Principles do not apply to an employee record. As a result, this Privacy Policy does not apply to CAS's treatment of an employee record, where the treatment is directly related to a current or former employment relationship between CAS and employee.

Management and Security of Personal Information

CAS has in place steps to protect the personal information CAS holds from misuse, interference and loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure by use of various methods using locked storage of paper records and password access rights to computerised records.

 (Extract from the Privacy Policy - version 4.0 February 2020)